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Showing posts from May, 2017

Wrong terms used by people and big communities !

>> Considering Mac and PC as a different OS You might have heard companies saying,"this product/software is for both Mac&PC" or having discussions on Mac v/s PC. The time was gone when both Mac OS and Windows were considered as different operating systems because Windows is generally used by IBM- PC which runs on Intel processors but Macintosh run on PowerPC processors which use different architecture. But now both are PC operating systems and can run on top of Intel and AMD processors.  So they should use Mac OS and Windows instead of Mac and PC. BECAUSE MAC OS IS A PERSONAL COMPUTING OPERATING SYSTEM. >> Rom as a wrong term Everyday we see in newspapers and magazines that this phone has *GB ram and 16GB ROM.They consider ROM as internal memory but it's completely wrong. ROM is read only memory which you can only read, so we can't flash and rewrite ROM (unless they are EEPROM or removable ROM s which are found in todays deskto...